Lotus Blossom Lane News!

Hey, ya’ll!

It is almost time for the release of the third book in the Saving Angels Series, Lotus Blossom Lane. Don’t hold me to it, but I believe March 17th (St. Patricks Day!) will be release day for my third baby. LBL’s first cover reveal will be March 13th, and I know I am a tad bit biased, but it is supremely gorgeous.

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Author for a day contest!

Who’s up for an awesome contest? You? Or is it you? Good! Because starting today, every Wednesday until December 25th is going to be #WriterWednesday . What is Writer Wednesday? So glad you asked. Here’s what I have planned for ya’ll. If you’ve read Marigny Street you know how important dreams are to Evangeline and her family. Dreams are not just something that happens while you’re asleep, they’re so much more.

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$0.99 week for Marigny Street

I usually don’t post about these sorts of things on my blog, but I figured it was worth it this time. Marigny Street is $0.99 for the next five days. Which I think is an excellent deal. So, pretty please share the love and pass it around.


>>>>Epiphany (Poof– and you are to Marigny Street!)


I hope everyone has a beautiful Thanksgiving.

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“We do not chase fireflies to know their ending destination; We chase fireflies just to watch them shine.”

I really wanted to post about this today but wasn’t sure where. I considered posting on Facebook, but I got the feeling it was going to be too long of a post. Then it dawned on me: I have a website! I forget that sometimes. You see, all the other blogs/websites I’ve had in the past have gone dead. Sort of like all of the plants I buy. I swear this time will not turn out like the last,

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